IAFD Turniere

Behinderten Armwrestling Armsport Armdrucken
Weltmeisterschaft 2014 7-12 October 2014 in Polen
 Programm Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Behinderten ArmsportProgramm Weltmeisterschaft 2014 Behinderten Armsport2

I World Armwrestling Championship for Disabled 2014

7-12 October 2014, Puck (Poland)


07 October (Tuesday) – Arrival of delegations and officials

08 October (Wednesday) — Classification, Weigh-in for deaf athletes

09 October (Thursday) — Classification, Weigh-in for PI athletes and VI athletes

10 October (Friday) — I World Armwrestling Championship for Deaf athletes (ARM4)

11 October (Saturday) — I World Armwrestling Championship for physical impairment athletes (ARM1, ARM2) and for visual impairment athletes (ARM3)

12 October (Sunday) – Departure of delegations and officials

The program will be scheduled by the hour to the 1st August 2014

Annual contribution from the country — 300 EUR

Entry fee for adults — 30 EUR per hand.

Entry fee for juniors — 15 EUR per hand.

Juniors are not eligible to compete among adults!


Men, Women, Juniors Men, Juniors Women — with physical impairment (PI athletes)

Men with visual impairment (VI athletes)

Men with hearing impairment (Deaf athletes)

Body Weight Categories for PI athletes (ARM1 – sitting athletes)

Men 55 kg 65 kg 75 kg +75 kg
Women 65 kg +65 kg    

Body Weight Categories for PI athletes (ARM2 – standing athletes)

Men 60 kg 70 kg 80 kg 90 kg +90 kg
Women 65 kg +65 kg    
Juniors men 55 kg +55 kg    
Juniors women 50 kg +50 kg    

Body Weight Categories for VI athletes (ARM3)

Men 63 kg 70 kg 78 kg 86 kg +86 kg

Body Weight Categories for Deaf athletes (ARM4)

Men 63 kg 70 kg 78 kg 86 kg +86 kg +95 kg

I World Armwrestling Championship for Disabled 2014

7-12 October 2014, Puck (Poland)

Local Organizing Committee (LOC):

Federation Armwrestling Poland

Okrzei Street 18/7, 81-245 Gdynia, Poland


Phone / Fax: +48 58 621 93 08 (English, Russian and Polish speaking)

e-mail: armwrestling@world.pl


Anna Mazurenko (English, Russian and Polish speaking):

Phone: + 48 603 55 48 55,

e-mail: anna@mazurenko.pl

Marcin Mielniczuk (English, Russian and Polish speaking):

Phone: +48 601 612 400,

e-mail: marcin@eaf-armwrestling.com

Igor Mazurenko (Russian and Polish speaking):

Phone: + 48 601 821 467,

e-mail: igor@mazurenko.pl

Michał Sędek (English and Polish speaking):

Phone: +48 798 797 889

e-mail: events@mazurenko.pl

Hotel address:

Hotel Delfin

Lipowa 3c, Puck

55€ / person per day (with full alimentation)

Competition address:

MOKSiR hall MOKSiR Hall Puck

Lipowa 3, Puck

Shuttle bus from and to the airport:

25€ / person (both ways)

Documents needed:

Filled application form send to Marcin Mielniczuk marcin@eaf-armwrestling.com to 1st October 2014 (PDF/Word will be available on website: http://www.en.armsport-inva.com )

For classification: Medical Diagnostics Form and supporting medical documents (on website)

All classification requests have to be sent to IAFD: info@armsport-inva.com

For weight-in: Passport and sport class in Para Armwrestling

Some of countries may need visa to come to Poland.

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